Monday, August 17, 2009

Spots on the Picture

There are so many times in my life that I think, in my smallness, that I know better then God does about what is right for my life. Jon and I have been very blessed in our lives so far, and really have nothing to complain about; we both have good jobs, a roof over our head, cars that run, an adorable dog, and a great marriage, but there are those times when I can't see any of that.

There are these little insignificant things, that are not a big deal, that become these huge dark spots on this perfect picture that God has painted for us and ruin the picture. God has been so faithful in everything He has done for Jon and I (there are way too many ways we've been blessed to list them), why is it so easy to forget those things and focus on those dark spots on the picture? It is only through focusing on Him that these dark spots begin to fade and I can begin to see this beautiful picture that God is painting just for me.

I still have those days where the dark spots begin to cloud in, and I start to focus on the little things, at that point I have to stop and remind myself to focus on Him. I am a work in progress.

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