Friday, March 9, 2012

Absolute Surrender

A few weeks ago I was looking through my Kindle archive trying to find a good book to read. I finished the Hunger Games series so it was time to find a new book to read. When looking through my archive, I stumbled upon a book I've been avoiding, Andrew Murray's Absolute Surrender. I downloaded it, not remembering why I had been avoiding this book. Well I do now.

In short (and very very short) this book is all about living a life of complete and absolute surrender to God; living a life of complete faith and trust in God. It's easy to write, it's easy to even say, however living it is a completely different story. 

Why is it so hard to surrender everything? 

I sit here at work thinking about everything in my career that hasn't turned out right. I think about the fact that I should have a better job or a better something by now. I've worked hard, I deserve it. I sit here and think about how I received yet another no this week; how another opportunity has slipped through my fingers. I sit here as I wait on news from another potential job opportunity feeling completely down and insecure. If I don't get this next job, where do I go from here? Where do I even start looking again? What else can I do?

As I sit here in a cloud of self pity and doubt, I hear that small voice in the back of my head saying just surrender. Trust me. I have it taken care of. 

Why is that so hard? Why does the control freak in me fight so hard against giving it all up? God deserves my surrender. God deserves that and so much more. 

I want to live a life of absolute surrender in everything. And to be honest, there have been moments when this hasn't been as difficult. Like the time that Madison was so sick and was running a very inconsistent fever which caused her to have a febrile seizure when her fever spiked rapidly. I knew God was in control. I knew that while he has blessed me with the opportunity to raise this precious little girl, in all actuality she belongs to Him. I knew in that moment that she was in His hands and that He was in charge of the situation. 

Why is it easier to have complete and amazing trust and faith in God during huge situations, however when it comes to the day to day things I struggle? 

I want to be an example to Madison. I want to live a life of absolute surrender. Doesn't God ask for it?

My prayer is not that I get this job or that things work out the way that I want them to. My prayer is that I am able to complete trust God throughout this process. 

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